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Royal Menus - Queen Netherlands Menu+2.p



Consommé Westmoreland

Turtle consommé flavoured with Sherry and garnished with quenelles and sautéed sweetbreads


Saumonneau du Rhin, sauce Norvégienne

Young salmons from the Rhine River dressed in

herb sauce made from egg-yolks


Selle de marcassin à l’Ardennaise

Saddle of wild-boar roasted with juniper berries


Timbale de cailles Petit-Duc

Timbales of quail garnished with small tartlets filled with creamed quail meat and topped with baby asparagus tips and truffle slices


Côtelettes de canetons Nantais à la Portugaise

Duckling cutlets casseroled in tomatoes and white wine


Chapons du Mans rôtis à l’estragon – Salade

Capons roasted with tarragon and served with salads


Petits pois à l’Anglaise

Baby-peas tossed with butter and chopped parsley


Gâteau Montmirail

Orange flavoured cakes


Glace Souveraine

Walnut ice-creams mixed with crystalized orange-peel


Gondoles à la Suédoise

Small gondola shaped boats made from apricot ice-cream and filled with pear and apple poached in cinnamon.

Menu dated 22nd July 1907

Gala dinner at the Royal Palace, Amsterdam, hosted by Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands in honour of delegates attending the second International Peace Conference.

On the night of this gala dinner, 160 international delegates travelled from The Hague to the Royal Palace in Amsterdam where Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands provided a banquet of truly royal proportions.


Guests were treated to turtle and sherry soup, roast saddles of wild-boar, quails, ducks and young salmon all finished off with decorative small gondola-boats made from apricot ice-cream and filled with pear and apple poached with cinnamon.


Between June and October 1907, the 26 year-old Queen Wilhelmina played host to the second International Peace Conference in The Hague, which had been formally convened by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.


Both this conference and the first conference in 1899 gave birth to a series of international treaties that became known as the Hague Conventions.


At this dinner the Queen awarded all the delegates a special silver medallion purposely commissioned for each delegate.

As a result of the 1899 and 1907 Peace Conferences, the purpose built Peace Palace was opened in 1913 by Queen Wilhelmina as home to the Permanent Court of Arbitration. This video shows the Queen’s arrival at the opening.

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Royal Menus - Queen Wilhelmina Netherlan
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